

Published: Aug 2, 2022

  Irina Popova


The aim of the given article is to survey the main concepts pertaining to such broad phenomena as identity and nation. The article scrutinises critical theories and approaches that tackle the concepts of nation and identity, focusing on the ones that highlight the interplay of the above mentioned notions. Thus, it outlines the main dimensions of human identity as well as it explicates the two senses in which the term national identity is used. It provides a brief analysis of the most influential and contesting views on the concept of nation, namely nation as a cultural community versus nation as a political one. The article concludes with the examination of the changing patterns of identity and nation in the context and framework of globalisation and transnationalism.

How to Cite

Popova, I. (2022). IDENTITY AND NATION IN THE ERA OF GLOBALISATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 221-230.
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identity, nation, national identity, globalisation, hybridity, transnationalism

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