

Published: Oct 26, 2022


The article is devoted to the determination of the current state of the functional features of the higher education system of Ukraine under martial law in the context of comparative and prognostic analysis, an overview of the key directions of its reform with the aim of integrating into the European educational space and the post-war recovery of the state as a whole. The vision of the post-war development of the higher education system is formed through an understanding of the fundamental values and needs of society. Achieving the main directions of reforming the higher education system is possible under the condition of combining the activities of subjects of state management of higher education, public self-government bodies, and stakeholders. Key changes in the system of higher education for the coming years will remain the aspects of legislative support for the reform, support for institutional development, and activation of international relations. Modernization of the legal basis for coordinating and regulating the development of the higher education system depends on the dynamic digitalization of institutions, demographic and economic changes, diversification of funding sources, and the development of the economic partnership. The basic directions of reforming public management activity are the strengthening of national consolidation, the application of mixed management models, the implementation of European standards of higher education, the strengthening of European integration processes, the implementation of innovative managerial forms, the partnership of business and science, the development of university startups.

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