

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article presents theoretical research on the innovative reform of the public power of Ukraine as a priority task of European integration and ensuring social and economic stability in the conditions of postwar recovery. However, it is determined that the modern experience of reforming the management system of higher education indicates the presence of several problems that prevent their implementation in the field of public authority. The main contradictions related to the peculiarities of state management innovations are related to the environment of implementation, scale and resource provision, and readiness of authorities to carry out organizational changes. Based on the research on the theoretical and practical prerequisites for the application of innovative practices, system-wide, functional, and instrumental gaps were identified. The author noted the need to establish cooperation between institutions of higher education and institutions of civil society (public associations of various orientations, united territorial communities) as an important prerequisite for further reform. The organizational features of ensuring the effective work of education management bodies and higher education institutions in remote and remote cooperation conditions have been revealed. In the future, it is advisable to focus on monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategy for the development of higher education until 2032, the implementation of strategic goals, and priority directions.

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public administration, higher education system, innovative management, strategic planning, management technologies, reforming the higher education system

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