

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article highlights the interrelationship of financing the activities of a higher educational institution during political, military, economic or socio-cultural crises and the possible ways of optimizing the socio-economic sphere of management, which will allow, despite various crises, to continue working and have stable financial and economic indicators. Within the framework of the study, the interpretation of the definitions "socio-economic development", "educational management", "crisis phenomenon", "digital educational environment" was analysed, and it was established that the managerial activity of a head of a higher educational institution can be divided into five elements. The author determined that for socio-economic development in the conditions of crisis phenomena of the institution of higher education, it is necessary to intensify the provision of additional paid services in order to obtain additional profit, to introduce secondary processing of raw materials, administrative processes of economic management in the digital educational environment of the educational institution, to improve the organizational management of individual areas of activity, attract investments for development of the university space, make changes to the accounting policy, rationally use resources and bring objects into compliance with European infrastructure security conditions.

How to Cite

Lysokon, I. (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF A HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION IN THE CONDITIONS OF CRISIS PHENOMENA: SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 40-47. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-4-5
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higher educational institution, crisis phenomena, modernization, development, socio-economic development, management activity

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