

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The article considered the issues of forming factors of development and prospects of adult education in Ukraine. The peculiarities and the importance of adult education in our modern conditions of social development are substantiated. In particular, adult education should be considered as the important component of continuing education. The complex of problems connected with its functioning and has a specificity, which is caused by peculiarities of the composition of those who study, as well as the originality of tasks. There is no country in the world that would not be obliged to develop its own technological, social and economic development, cultural development. Nor is there a country that does not link its own future to its further development through the process of continuous education or education through the life. The author also identified the main factors of the development and prospects of adult education in Ukraine, among them: human resources; availability of objective need of systematic adoption of modern information systems and technologies; market needs; satisfaction of higher needs of individual adult person in the development of his/her personality; social and economic development of the country. The main tasks of improvement and development of the adult education system in Ukraine are: improvement of normative and legal support and change of branch legislation; study of the labor market; optimization of the structure of the adult education system according to actual needs of the market in regions, branches and the country as a whole; improvement of educational and methodical, informational and material-technical support of the general system of adult education; expansion of the scope of international cooperation in the field of adult education; formation and application of innovative methods of teaching and learning.

How to Cite

Shamanska, O. (2023). ADULT EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: FEATURES AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 106-111.
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adult education, prospects of adult education in Ukraine, process of adult education, improvement and development of adult education system

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