

Published: Oct 11, 2023


Abstract. The article analyzes the state and legal policy of Ukraine in the sphere of child protection during the period of martial law. A review of normative legal acts of Ukraine in the field of child protection, which reflect the state-legal policy, in particular: the Law of Ukraine On Childhood Protection", the Concept of the State Social Program «National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child» for the period up to 2021, State Social Program «National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child» for the period up to 2021, etc. On the basis of the analysis of normative legal acts of Ukraine, conclusions are made about the state of the state-legal policy in the field of child protection.

How to Cite

Chepkova, K. (2023). STATE AND LEGAL POLICY OF UKRAINE IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF CHILDREN DURING MARTIAL LAW. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 6-11.
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state and legal policy, child protection, state and legal policy in the field of child protection.

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