

Published: Oct 11, 2023

  Viktor Savchenko

  Oleksandr Tsvar


Abstract. The paper substantiates the problem of recognising artificial intelligence as the author of intellectual property objects. The conditions of copyrightability and the possibility of compliance of copyright objects created by AI with such requirements are given. The article contains answers provided by artificial intelligence at our request. The article issues of types of objects that AI can create are being studied. Authors paid attention to problems of compilation and plagiarism in things made by AI. The research proves that objects created by AI can meet all copyrightable requirements. The authors emphasised that the only exception is the normative condition that only a human can be the author. It was concluded that the impossibility of recognising AI as the work's author is an artificial limitation. The authors emphasised that such a paradigm will change in the future. The authors suggest that the current state of AI is very close to the stage of deterministic understanding of human free will. AI is a surrogate representation of human intelligence with similar properties for analysis, self-improvement, and decision-making.

How to Cite

Savchenko, V., & Tsvar, O. (2023). ISSUES OF COPYRIGHT FOR OBJECTS CREATED BY ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 69-77.
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copyright, author, property and non-property rights, Artificial Intelligence, objects of intellectual property rights, civil law, co-authorship, the legal status of AI.

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