

Published: Jan 2, 2023


The article examines the moment of the emergence of free will in the context of the right to life. The author defines the notion and concept of freedom of will. The article examines the influence of the right to life on freedom of will. The author emphasises that free will and the right to life are fundamental concepts on which law is based. The work states that thanks to free will, people can make decisions and bear responsibility for them, exercise rights and create obligations. The scientist proves that free will arises at the moment of the emergence of the right to life. The article demonstrates that the right to life and free will arises only from the moment of birth. The author substantiates the thesis that the scope of free will changes throughout life. The research examines cases in which the amount of free will can increase due to intellectual development, change in a legal capacity and legal status. It is noted that the amount of freedom of the will may decrease in case of limited legal capacity, change in legal status or case of recognition of a person as incompetent.

How to Cite

Savchenko, V. (2023). OCCURRENCE OF FREEDOM OF WILL IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RIGHT TO LIFE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 72-77. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-4-9
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freedom of will, the autonomy of will, right to life, human rights, civil law, legal capacity

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