

Published: Jan 17, 2024


In the article the author analyzes the shortcomings of the existing system of administrative responsibility in the sphere of state security of Ukraine. Ukraine's internal affairs bodies face a number of constraints in ensuring national security, including a lack of resources and capacity, which hinders their ability to effectively perform their direct functions. Another limitation is the lack of a clear legal framework and guiding principles for their activities, which may lead to inconsistencies in the implementation of the relevant competencies. In addition, internal affairs bodies may be vulnerable to political interference and influence, which may compromise their independence and effectiveness. Within the framework of increasing the level of public security, the author highlighted the following proposals: improvement of the current legislative framework specifically in the legal regulation of security, organization of supervision over the implementation of targeted programs for ensuring national security in Ukraine; improvement of the mechanism of ensuring national security of Ukraine. The author focuses on measures to prevent socially dangerous acts and administrative offenses as the most important condition for national security in Ukraine. Having defined the issues and problems related to administrative responsibility, this article is intended to give recommendations to practitioners who seek to improve the effectiveness of administrative and legal regulation in this area.

How to Cite

Tsybulnyk, N. (2024). A MODERN VIEW ON THE ISSUE OF ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR STATE SECURITY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2023-4-2
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security, national security, administrative and legal regime, system of administrative and legal regulation, administrative and legal regime

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