

Published: Jan 17, 2024


The article focuses on the peculiarities of e-learning during the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine. It is highlighted that modern higher education requires the introduction of information and communication technologies into the system of higher education graduate training, which allows to conduct a high-quality educational process in a distance format. The phenomenon of information and communication competence of the student, the future teacher of the field of language and literature, which is an urgent need of modern rapid changes in the conditions and needs of society, is defined. It is emphasised that the solution to the problem of education modernisation in Ukraine through the rapid development of information technologies is impossible without considering and implementing a system of distance learning. It has been proven that ICT can activate and visualise the educational process, making it accessible via cloud technologies, blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. It is noted that a leading position among ICTs is given by scientists to the electronic textbook, represented by both printed and technical components. The reorientation to SMART education is stressed, which currently meets society's needs for a competent specialist. In the future, the ICT complex will be represented in linguistic and literary disciplines.

How to Cite

Ruskulis, L., Rodionova, I., & Aizikova, L. (2024). LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE E-LEARNING DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC AND THE WAR IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 18-26.
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electronic education, information and communication technologies, information and communication competence, distance learning, electronic textbook, SMART education

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