

Published: Jan 17, 2024


The article is dedicated to the critical examination of domestic violence among immigrant women, focusing on the identification of challenges, underlying causes, and the development of effective countermeasures to address and prevent such violence. The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence in the context of immigrant populations and to unearth the complex interplay of cultural, social, and legal factors that influence these dynamics. The tasks of the research include: assessing the extent and nature of domestic violence within immigrant communities; exploring the cultural, social, and legal contributors to such violence; and identifying the barriers that prevent affected women from seeking and obtaining help. The results of the study reveal a nuanced understanding of domestic violence in immigrant communities, highlighting the multifarious barriers that immigrant women face, from language and cultural differences to legal and systemic obstacles. The results of the analysis showed that the principal issues faced by immigrant women in the sphere of domestic violence include alarmingly high instances of intimate partner violence, with reports from specific ethnic demographics indicating that as many as 61% of individuals may experience such abuse within their lifetimes. Cultural stigmas and language barriers are significant impediments, often deterring immigrant women from seeking necessary help and from leveraging the support mechanisms that exist. Сomplexities in navigating the legal and healthcare systems of their host countries contribute to a sense of disorientation and lack of support among these women. The absence of confidential and culturally sensitive interpreters in healthcare settings further obstructs open communication about experiences of domestic abuse. The practical significance lies in the article's potential to inform policymaking, enhance service provision, and guide community interventions, aiming to improve the safety and well-being of immigrant women.

How to Cite

Ryspay, L. (2024). DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AMONG IMMIGRANT WOMEN: CHALLENGES, CAUSES AND WAYS TO OVERCOME. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 56-62.
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domestic violence, immigrant women, cultural challenges, legal barriers

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