

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. The article reflects the experience of using video materials and significant attention is paid to the formation of linguosociocultural competence. The authors emphasize that modern programs provide an opportunity not only to promote the effective development and learning of a foreign language but also to monitor the performance of tasks, to develop training exercises that are individually suitable for each student. The article highlights the problems that may arise when using video in the educational process, educational materials and combining them into one whole database that is convenient for students, as well as the implementation of the educational process taking into account the state of war in Ukraine. The components of linguosociocultural competence, the stages of its formation in students of language specializations, exercises that will contribute to its formation when using video materials are considered.

How to Cite

Sukhovetska, S., Mohelnytska, L., & Shadura, V. (2024). THE FORMATION OF FOREIGN LINGUOSOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS OF LANGUAGE SPECIALIZATIONS BY MEANS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 129-134.
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innovation linguosociocultural competence technologies, foreign language, video materials, linguosociocultural competence, video communication, students of language specializations.

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