

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. The article covers the specifics of art pedagogy, the peculiarities of its historical development, and its modernization potential amidst modern Ukrainian education. The connection of art pedagogy with traditional principles of educational work is noted, and such means of art pedagogy as fairy tale therapy, drama therapy, etc. are distinguished. It was found that art tools positively affect various students’ abilities, and the process of creating harmonizes the emotional state of a person. The goal of art pedagogy as an activator of the child’s cognitive activity is formulated. The principal activity areas of art pedagogy and their significance in the development of personality- oriented education and upbringing are analyzed. It is justified that teaching and education through art solve many pedagogical tasks, in particular, they activate the cognitive abilities and psycho-emotional state of students with special educational needs.

How to Cite

Zolotarova, O., Marakhovska, E., & Tkemaladze, Z. (2024). PEDAGOGY AS A MODERNIZATION STRATEGY IN THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 143-148.
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pedagogy, art pedagogy, art therapy, education, art, fairy tale therapy, music therapy, drama therapy.

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