

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. In the current context of war, adolescents are in a particularly difficult psychological state, where stressful situations can significantly affect their development, functioning and lifestyle. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the impact of war on adolescents' mental health. It is stated that adolescents are particularly sensitive to the impact of negative socio-psychological factors on the determination of physical and mental health. It is noted that adolescents experiencing war are subjected to a great psychological burden, which can cause the emergence of various psychological problems, such as anxiety, constant fear, depression, aggression and others. It was found that the majority of adolescents do not have depression and it is not expressed at all at a severe level. One third of respondents experienced a deterioration in their emotional state during the war. This indicates that adolescents react to negative events quite painfully. It has been determined that resilience is a favourable component for maintaining the psychological well-being of adolescents and a protective mechanism against unforeseen threats throughout. It is proposed to introduce a special training programme for emotional recovery and psychological support for adolescents.

How to Cite

Klochko, A. (2024). IMPACT OF WAR ON THE MENTAL HEALTH OF ADOLESCENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 205-211.
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war, mental health, adolescents, trauma, depression, resilience.

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