

Published: Mar 26, 2021

  Iryna Kalenyuk

  Liudmyla Tsymbal

  Iryna Uninets


Consistent and pervasive intellectualization and greening of the economy is manifested in the formation of Smart Economy, which is seen as a modern form of global ecosystem development. An important role in it is given to the latest technologies – information and communication technologies, which are becoming an important tool for “smart” management of processes and relationships between elements and actors at different levels in the global ecosystem. The research methodology is based on the systematization of theoretical approaches to understanding the concept of “Smart Economy”, based on which the author's position on defining the essence, structure and key drivers of Smart Economy development is formulated. The aim of the article is to identify the main intellectual factors in the formation of the Smart Economy within the global ecosystem. Smart Economy is defined in a narrow (means of organizing economic relations and relationships within a certain locality) and broad sense, a system of economic relations based on the use of modern smart technologies, implementation of the principles of sustainability and social responsibility and subject to the creation of comfortable and safe conditions of life of citizens). The key processes of the formation of Smart Economy are: intellectualization, digitalization, greening, socialization, institutionalization and urbanization. The content of key intellectual drivers of Smart Economy and modern trends of their development are revealed: expansion of human role as a subject of social, cultural, ecological and moral values, subject of values of sustainable development, subject of social relations (property, management); increasing the importance and implementation in all spheres of social activity of important global and strategically important values of environmental protection, providing a comfortable environment (economic, social, political, business environment, etc.); results of intellectual activity (newest technologies, products) become an important factor of development and a tool for ensuring relationships and interactions between all components of the ecosystem; transformation of the management process: involvement of a wider range of actors, development of new mechanisms for the involvement of all actors and stakeholders in the decision-making process.

How to Cite

Kalenyuk, I., Tsymbal, L., & Uninets, I. (2021). INTELLIGENT DRIVERS OF SMART ECONOMY IN THE GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(2), 91-100.
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Smart Economy, intellectualization, greening, sustainable development, green development, smart development


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