

Published: Oct 31, 2016

  Anatoliy Gorban


In the article the staffing problems of transport complex in the period of its fundamental technical change and intensive development of 1960–1980-ies are described. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the peculiarities of personnel potential development of transport complex of the Ukrainian SSR in the years of the intensive development of transport sectors, figure out the social component of the measures to improve the efficiency of transport networks. Methodology. In this article we used the method of analysis. The qualitative personnel structure, training of skilled workers in the educational institutions and other forms of improvement of personal skills of transport workers are analyzed. The causes of staff turnover and low labour discipline are studied. Practical implementation. This article shows the possible opportunities for the modern transport complex of Ukraine, how to be successful and competitive in the market. The historical background of this article can be very useful for present managers of the transport complex. Results. The author makes a general conclusion that the main causes of personnel fluctuation in transport brunches are low wages, pour conditions of work and lack of accomodations for the staff. The social and practical measures to improve effectiveness of work with personnel of all brunches of transport system are characterized.

How to Cite

Gorban, A. (2016). PROBLEMS OF TRANSPORT COMPLEX STAFFING OF UKRAINIAN SSR IN 1960-1980. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(3), 54-58.
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transport complex, different kinds of transport, providing staff, training of skilled workers, staff turnover, improve effectiveness.


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