

Published: Nov 7, 2015

  Anatoliy Gorban


The article is devoted to the problems of the efficiency increasing of the air transportation. The difficulties of increasing the efficiency of transportation by air in Ukrainian SSR in 1960-1980 were researched, factors that adversely affected the organization of the transport sector were determined and depicted. The article analyzes what caused such difficulties and it was found out that the causes of these difficulties are connected with the organizational problems of air transport of Ukrainian SSR, which negatively affected the operation of the industry. The central aim of the research is to focus on the main problems of air transport of Ukrainian SSR. So, we should say that the transport operation of those years was distributed too unevenly and was dependent on the population density of the territory of the republic. Purpose of the article is to determine, compile and analyze the factors that negatively affected the organization of air transportation of the Ukrainian republic and reduced the efficiency of its operation. Results of the research shows technical, organization and economical deficiency of air transport of Ukrainian SSR which caused the ineffectiveness of this type of transport and determines the nature of such difficulties. Statement of the problem. During the specified period (1960–1980) the air transport had undergone rapid development. Many new airlines were opened, airports were being built and reconstructed, the terms of exploiting of turbojet aircrafts were increased, the speed of planes was increasing. All these facts ensured safe and reliable air connection of all district centers, connected Ukraine with the other Soviet republics and foreign countries by air corridors. Ukrainian Department of Civil Aviation became the biggest regional Department of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the USSR. But, at the same time the intensity of the increase of cargo and passenger transportation since 1970s led to accumulation of difficulties of different nature which were connected with both cargo transportation and passenger one. This provides the evidence of insufficient effectiveness of the air industry.

How to Cite

Gorban, A. (2015). PROBLEMS OF THE EFFICIENCY INCREASING OF TRANSPORTATION BY AIR OF UKRAINIAN SSR (1960-1980). Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 1(2), 40-44.
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air transport, transport effectiveness, airports, freight and passenger transportation, technical and economic factors.


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