Introduction. The processes of informatization of society, reform of state institutions and transformation of the economic system of Ukraine identify new problems and set new challenges for regulating the labor market and employment on the basis of public-private partnership, including by bringing to all labor market actors relevant information from verified sources. Given the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine should take into account the experience of Eastern European countries that have been in similar transition conditions and have shown significant progress, in particular in overcoming the problems and threats in the labor markets that they have encountered in the process of European integration. Purpose and objectives. There is a necessity to justify the expediency of integration of information of subjects in the labor market of Ukraine for the purpose of formation of uniform information support of the labor market that will promote legal productive employment of citizens. Methodology. The article is based on international legal acts, laws and bylaws of Ukraine in the field of employment and regulation of labor market processes in the context of the functioning of a single information environment, formed on the basis of public-private partnership. Both general and special methods were used for the research: methods of analysis and synthesis, descriptive method, methods of induction and deduction. Results. The article analyzes the regulation of the European labor market by integrating the capabilities of national public employment services, the implementation of equal opportunities in free labor mobility for European workers. The data and experience of the countries of Eastern Europe are given. The institutional and legislative aspects of the functioning of private mediation in the domestic labor market are considered and it is proved that in Ukraine there is currently no regulatory influence of the state on the activities of private mediation in this market, and regulatory support in this area is imperfect. It is studied that information flows of private intermediaries, including job search and recruiting websites, operate independently of state intermediaries, and the public does not fully have up-to-date information on the state and needs of the domestic labor market. The article highlights the role of the government and the State Employment Service in the formation of information support of the labor market, compares the published data, provides relevant recommendations of the International Labor Organization and foreign experience. Conclusions. The information published in Ukraine by private labor market intermediaries needs full attention, as its connection with informal employment is not excluded. Given the impact of globalization challenges on the functioning and development of the domestic labor market, it is proposed to standardize the activities of private labor market intermediaries, including job search and recruiting websites, by including their data on labor supply and demand in the domestic labor market. For Ukraine, the experience of the European countries in cooperation between public and private intermediaries in the labor market, based on the creation of single information support of the labor market, including through joining the EURES system, is relevant.
How to Cite
job search and recruiting website, State Employment Service, information support, labor market intermediaries, labor market
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