

Published: Sep 27, 2021

  Yuriy Kharytonov

  Serhii Slobodian

  Marina Podaienko


The aim of the study is to improve the efficiency of technology transfer management in public works by developing a model for the reasonable definition of transfer objects and their components. The subject of the study are models of reasonable definition of technology transfer objects and their components. The basis of the methodology of research are the principles and models of technology transfer, methods and models of the theory of project management, as well as system analysis. The paper shows that for the formation and implementation of public works for various purposes, the goal of using technology transfer processes should be considered the achievement of the highest level of technological development. Under the conditions of the technological development processes analysis of the individual economic sectors, possible models to achieve different levels of technological development and technical-technological indicators of public works are defined. These include the "gradual" transition model, the "jumps" model, and the "big jump" model. These models are characterized by the following: the model of "gradual" transition assumes that its main feature should be considered a gradual transition from the actual level of technological development to the one following it; for the model of "jumps" the main feature should be considered the possibility of transition to a higher level of technological development bypassing the next in order from the actual level; the "big jump" model differs from the "jumps" one in that a significantly low initial level of technological development immediately reaches the maximum level, which takes place for a certain time. The chosen model of processes to achieve different levels of technological development significantly affects the planning of qualitative and quantitative indicators of public works. Identification of potential objects of transfer and their components is proposed to solve through the development of classification features of public works and programs, as well as the formation of their information models. The main classification attributes of public works should be considered: organizational, technological, as well as equipment and materials. As the main indicators to ensure effective management decisions in the planning of public works should be used the cost of transfer, as well as the timing of delivery of objects. The conditions for selecting the object of transfer and its components in terms of cost and time for different models of acquisition of the appropriate technological level are defined. A model of technology transfer object distribution and an algorithm for planning public works using technology transfer was developed. The implementation of the research results on a number of public works for the development of municipal heating and water supply systems has proven their effectivenessTaking into account the significant resources needed for public works and programs, the research findings should be considered important for various sectors of the economy.

How to Cite

Kharytonov, Y., Slobodian, S., & Podaienko, M. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 7(4), 214-225.
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technology transfer, public works, potential technology transfer objects, models for achieving an appropriate technological level


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