Modern IT today is used in various spheres of public life, including in the management of the amalgamated hromadas, which will ensure the competitiveness of the amalgamated hromadas in the context of decentralized power. The purpose of this article is to improve the use of the latest information technology to ensure the competitiveness of amalgamated hromadas in the context of decentralized power. Methodology. The article considers the directions of using information technology to strengthen the competitiveness of amalgamated hromadas. Functional features of amalgamated hromadas’ attractiveness, which will significantly increase the attractiveness of amalgamated hromadas in comparison with standard sites, are proposed. The authors considered the optimization of the infrastructure of the processes of interaction of government/local government with the residents of the regions, which will solve many significant problems of the development of amalgamated hromadas. The authors proposed an algorithm for the use of IT technologies in the operation of the amalgamated hromadas, which is carried out in 4 stages. The organizational scheme of development of recommendation models based on artificial intelligence, thanks to which it is possible to optimize the work of the management office of the hromada, namely, the formation of its budget is considered. Results. It is established that IT directly affect public communications, having a solid managerial potential. It was revealed that the peculiarity of the development of amalgamated hromadas is the need for a comprehensive application of modern forms and methods of information support of their activities. In particular, it is the use of models based on artificial intelligence to ensure the competitiveness of amalgamated hromadas in order to function effectively. Amalgamated hromadas' effectiveness in the decentralization of power depends on the level of interaction with citizens and enterprises, the quality of work of each institution, and the exchange of authorities with each other. The development of an appropriate technical base will not solve all the problems in the system of local government. But it can significantly increase the effectiveness of its work at different levels. Practical consequences. The use of recommendation models based on artificial intelligence will allow for more effective budgeting in amalgamated hromadas and ensure a high level of transparency in the work of local authorities. Value/originality. Modern IT makes it possible to build a system that would quickly and timely respond to all dangerous events in real time and alert to the likelihood of threatening events in the community.
How to Cite
information technologies, competitiveness, amalgamated hromada, infrastructure optimization, algorithm
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