

Published: Jan 30, 2022

  Viktor Oharenko

  Olga Pokatayeva

  Mariia Diachenko


The purpose of the article is to elucidate the training of future heads of education institutions for economic activity in the modern context; cover the management aspect and the results of an experimental test on the readiness of master’s students, specialty 073 Management (Educational institution management), for economic activity. A scholarly discussion on the problem of training future heads of education institutions for economic activity is presented. The authors describe the essence of the management aspect of training concerned. It is determined the levels (high, sufficient, average, low), structure, and criteria of the readiness of future heads of educational institutions for economic activity: motivational, cognitive, activity, and reflective. The foreign experience in training education managers for economic activity is considered. The requirements for training future heads of educational institutions for economic activity in Ukrainian universities are analyzed. The authors clarify the peculiarities of teaching the following disciplines of economics to master’s students, specialty 073 Management (Educational institution management): “Management of financial and economic activity”, “Legal and financial-economic fundamentals of educational institution management”, and “Educational fundraising”. It is identified core theoretical knowledge and practical skills that a graduate of the specialty 073 Management (Educational institution management) must possess. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the principles of financial management of an educational institution; accounting organization as a separate area of an educational institution; the economic essence of salaries in educational institutions and accounting tasks; financial management of an educational institution, etc. Results. The authors have developed components of educational institution management amidst the educational system’s modernization and economic progress of the state, as well as the main ways to train future managers of educational institutions for economic activity. The results of an experimental test on the readiness of future managers of educational institutions for economic activity are presented: in the process of professional training, the number of students with a high level of EA readiness increased by 22.2%, the low-level indicator significantly decreased – by 18.4%, and the indicator of a sufficient level increased by 14.2%. This is also confirmed by qualitative changes in the readiness of future education managers for economic activity.

How to Cite

Oharenko, V., Pokatayeva, O., & Diachenko, M. (2022). THE MANAGEMENT ASPECT OF TRAINING FUTURE HEADS OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(1), 111-117.
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higher education, economic activity, future head of educational institution, educational management, development, professional training


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