The purpose of the paper is to highlight the scientific discussion on the problem of future economists’ training for the development of national economy in the context of European integration; the disclosure of the peculiarities of Ukrainian modern economic processes and provision directions of high-quality economic education for students of the speciality 051 Economics. Methodology. The survey is based on the analysis of legal and normative base of future economists’ professional training and the ways to form their readiness for the development of national economy under the conditions of European integration. The scientific discussion on the problem of future economists’ training for the development of national economy under the conditions of European integration is covered; the disclosure of peculiarities of Ukrainian modern economic processes and the provision directions of high-quality economic education for students of the speciality 051 Economics. Core competencies for future economists, which they must acquire at the universities in the process of professional training and which they will promote participating in the development of national economy of Ukraine, are outlined. Professional training of future economists is reviewed as a process of basic economic competence formation, professionally oriented practical skills and students’ abilities, the development of their motivation for economic self-education and continuous self-improvement. Emphasis is placed on the educational technology of mathematical training for future economists. It must be admitted that the major feature of it is to ensure the implementation of educational objectives in the field of formation of the professional competence for future economists on the mathematical basis in accordance with the requirements to high economic education. It is emphasized on the importance for students to choose the educational programs, which they need, out of a proposed set. Emphasize is placed on the ways to master them, namely individual pace, forms and deadlines for the required reports. The individual educational program of the students is defined as the preliminary plan made by the students with the support of a teacher-mentor, their educational and other activity directed on personal and professional development. Moreover, it must be designed taking into account personal, educational and professional interests, needs and inquiries of the students. The principle of choosing an individual educational trajectory is characterized. It declares that every student has the right to conscious and agreed choice with the teacher for the main components of his or her education: content, objectives, pace, forms and methods of teaching, personal content of education, control and evaluation of results. The questionnaire, where each question has 10 possible answers, is represented in order to survey future economists on their satisfaction with the procedure of choosing an individual educational trajectory and the process of supporting the mastery of the educational program. Practical implications. The application of the diagnostic complex has confirmed that the pedagogical experiment resulted in quantitative changes in indicators that reflected significant qualitative changes in minds and behavior of future economists. It showed a significant positive dynamics of their readiness for innovative economic activity and the formation of their professional basics. The quantitative indicators of the experimental groups became a statistical confirmation of this: the number of students with high level of professionalism increased from 10.3% to 33.7%. The increase is at 23.4%. The index of sufficient level of future economists’ professionalism formation increased at 20.6%, i.e. from 25.4% to 46.0%. The number of students with the initial level of professionalism decreased at 22.6%. It is from 25.8% to 3.2%. The rate of change of the corresponding indicators in the control groups is much lower. Value/originality. The article provides ways for improving the methods and forms of future economists’ professional training for the development of national economy in the context of European integration. In particular, the introduction of individual educational trajectory of economists with a projection on elective courses and extrapolation into future economic practice is recommended.
How to Cite
higher education, European integration, future economist, national economy, development, professional training
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