The subject of the research is conceptual, theoretical and methodological foundations of formation and development of civil society institutions, paying attention to certain spheres of social relations within the framework of functioning of civil society institutions (for example, anti-corruption, penitentiary). Methodology: general and special methods of scientific research were used in this study. The method of comparison was used to summarize the approaches of various researchers on the main dominants of the implementation of the concept of public involvement in solving cases of state and municipal importance. Analysis was used to determine quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the specifics of the influence of civil society institutions on social relations in the sphere of corruption prevention and ensuring the rights of prisoners. Induction and deduction were used to identify approaches to the main dominant legal forms of interaction between civil society institutions, state authorities and local self-government. The results of the study showed that the role of civil society institutions in Ukraine has increased due to the institutionalization of public control over the activities of public authorities, the definition of new forms and principles of interaction between the public and public authorities, as well as facilitating the activities of non-governmental organizations. Conclusion. It has been established that the forms of interaction between civil society institutions and state and municipal institutions are regulated exclusively at the level of subordinate acts, or are not defined at all. Attention is drawn to the expediency: the development by individual charitable organizations of their own charitable programs, which will reflect a set of charitable activities aimed at solving problems, relevant to the statutory objectives of the organization in order to structure and openness of their work; formation of public education in the field of combating corruption through the implementation of educational programs; introduction of an additional public institution aimed at the correction and resocialization of prisoners.
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civil society institutions, non-governmental organizations, public control, prevention of corruption, penitentiary system, Ukraine
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