

Published: Mar 25, 2022

  Antonina Slavytska

  Yana Maslova

  Natalia Bilak


The subject of the study are conceptual, theoretical, methodological and applied provisions for the use of digital tools in law enforcement activities on the example of specific institutions (the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine). Methodology. General scientific methods were used in the research process. The method of comparison was used to summarize the approaches of various researchers on the main dominants of the implementation of the idea of electronic registries and their interaction by default. Analysis was used to determine quantitative and qualitative characteristic parameters of the specifics of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the digital era. Induction and deduction were used to determine the approaches to the main dominants of the legal forms of activity of the central bodies of state executive power. The results of the study showed that the introduction and application of digital skills in the activities of authorized subjects of power, creates conditions both for the effective execution of their powers, and contributes to the public interest, in general. Conclusion. What is common to the functioning of electronic registries is that they help to ensure transparency of the activities of specific state institutions and effective information interaction between them. On the example of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption it is established that the administration of anti-corruption registries is a separate block of powers of the main state anti-corruption agency of Ukraine, so it is an obligation, which is ensured by the commitment for quality performance. Other electronic tools have been used to compare the activities of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, but they are not covered by a separate block of authority. At the same time, it is substantiated that the ramification of the powers of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has caused the need to create a significant number of registers under its jurisdiction and subject to systematization according to common characteristics.

How to Cite

Slavytska, A., Maslova, Y., & Bilak, N. (2022). ADMINISTRATION OF ELECTRONIC REGISTRIES BY CENTRAL EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES: PRAXEOLOGICAL ASPECT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(2), 137-145.
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register, electronic register, The National Agency on Corruption Prevention, The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, administration of registries


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