The purpose of the article is to disclose the essence of criminological protection of public relations; to differentiate the areas of criminological protection of economic security; to provide proposals for improving criminological science with regard to the protection of public relations in the economic sphere. The scientific discussion on the problem of improving the mechanism of criminological provision of economic security in Ukraine is presented. The author's vision of the essence and content of criminological protection is formulated. Due attention is focused on the institutional provision of economic security protection, which is represented in the totality of activities of regulatory institutions, which is implemented through the performance of specific functions in the economic sphere. The organizational and managerial sphere of criminological protection of economic security is characterized. Its activity is aimed at creating a mechanism for counteracting and protecting the economy from criminal manifestations, which includes a set of measures aimed at timely impact on criminogenic threats and risks in the economy. A number of problematic aspects that hinder the development of the Ukrainian economy are identified: 1) lack of an established system of protection of information activity, which, as a result, can potentially destabilize the economic sphere; 2) absence of specific measures and means of criminological influence on economic criminal unlawful activity; 3) low level of protection against criminal offenses in the sphere of economy committed with the help of computer technologies; 4) lack of a unified approach to the strategy of prevention of economic criminal offenses. Results. The definition of criminological protection is proposed. It is established that the criminological provision of economic security should be aimed primarily at eliminating general social determinants, such as increasing the investment attractiveness of the national economy, improving tax culture, simplifying customs procedures, forecasting market conditions, globalization of stock markets, etc. It is proved that the improvement of criminological provision of economic security can be realized through the following: development of the information system in terms of creating a single unified platform for monitoring the economic situation in the country and forecasting potential risks; improvement of coordination of activities of economic security and criminal protection entities in terms of reducing competition and conflict of interest; increasing the level of international and European cooperation in terms of criminological protection and ensuring economic security; synchronization of national and foreign criminological policy in terms of ensuring economic security.
How to Cite
economic security, criminological protection, criminological support, national security, information system, economic situation
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