

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Liubov Bila-Tiunova

  Roman Savchuk


The article is dedicated to the accomplishment of a great number of meals, which stand for the defense of the right to state service for the protection of digitalization processes, as if the state service and the normatively established methods for the defense of the right to state service have been impeded. The purpose of the study is to form a comprehensive approach to the determination of the protection of the right to state service and the features of its protection caused by the use of information and telecommunication technologies. The subject of the study is the vector and priority of service legislation, which is in the middle of practical alternatives to information technologies. Methodology: in the course of the study of victorious research and special methods of scientific knowledge, including those that are victorious every hour, the analysis of statistical zvіtnostі in the sphere of state service. Result: it has been established that the right to defend the right to state service is the legislature of the possibility of a citizen of Ukraine and a state service (in a broad sense) and a state service (in a narrow sense) to defend one's competences in state service. Emphasis is placed on respect for the rights of state servicemen to promote the level of digital competencies as a warehouse right to state service. It was requested: a) to introduce amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On State Service”; b) creation on the basis of the knowledge management web portal in the field of professional training "Knowledge Management Portal" of an information system of automated information collection, which will allow in real time to receive relevant information about the organization of professional training of civil servants in the civil service system and in the aspect of individual state bodies.

How to Cite

Bila-Tiunova, L., & Savchuk, R. (2022). THE RIGHT TO STATE SERVICE IN THE MODERN MEASURE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(5), 77-85.
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state service, digital aspect, the right to state service, information and telecommunication technologies, administrative defense, judicial defense


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