

Published: Dec 30, 2022

  Bohdan Hnatkivskyi

  Anatolii Poltavets

  Serhii Volyk


The subject of the study is the economic efficiency of the use of land resources by agricultural enterprises. Methodology. The research was conducted using general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization, methods of positive and normative analysis, statistical analysis. The goal is to analyze the dynamics of economic efficiency of land use by agricultural enterprises. Research conclusion. The economic efficiency of reproduction processes is the ratio of the amount of newly created value to the amount of capital, the cost of all resources and some of their main types. The peculiarity of the reproduction of land resources is that they are combined with the stage of production of agricultural products, when the reproduction of soil fertility is carried out in a single technological process of growing crops. Analysis of the efficiency of use of land resources by agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, which has significant areas of land suitable for agricultural production. It should be noted that agricultural land should be used more efficiently than in other countries. The activity of agricultural enterprises in general and their use of land resources can be characterized as extensive – a large number of resources are involved, and the return from each resource unit is low. In addition, the fact that landowners are not in a hurry to sell their agricultural land, realizing that in a few years a completely different offer price will be formed, as agricultural companies will enter the game and the demand for agricultural land will be much higher. It is necessary to mention that there are some difficulties in the research process, because today it is impossible to reflect the total volume of the Ukrainian agricultural land market in monetary terms, since the transaction price is declared in only 55% of the concluded transactions. In 2022, the average price of buying and selling agricultural land in Ukraine will be 38,560 UAH/ha. This is 28% higher than the average normative monetary value of arable land in Ukraine, which is UAH 27,520/ha.

How to Cite

Hnatkivskyi, B., Poltavets, A., & Volyk, S. (2022). ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN THE USE OF LAND RESOURCES BY AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 8(5), 92-100.
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economic efficiency, price of land, agricultural land, the efficiency of use of land resources, agricultural enterprises


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