The scholarly article presents different analytical approaches to modern understanding and manifestation forms of geoeconomics as a tool of geostrategy. It contains a comprehensive list of conceptual tools, empirical roots, and case studies on the political-economic essence of geoeconomics. The paper’s particular contribution is its direct connection with the practice and rooting of international political economy and poorly studied determination of geoeconomics with geostrategy in the evolving structure of the global world order and new vectors of geoeconomic dynamics of Ukraine. Based on the evolutionary method, the author has developed a matrix of approaches to understanding geoeconomics, demonstrated its progress, conducted a critical analysis of each of them, and put forward an original version and model of interpreting the relevant dynamic phenomenon following the strategic national interests of Ukraine. The myth of static assumptions about the existence of geoeconomics as a self-sufficient system that should have replaced geopolitics was debunked. Using the case study method, the key factors facilitating the geoeconomic expansion of China, the USA, and Russia are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the role of other states in the formation of geoeconomics, and the issue of strategic autonomy is elucidated. The author justifies the genuine interest in geoeconomics as a component of geostrategy, demonstrates its determination, and specifies the main modern tools of geoeconomics. The impact of the military discourse on geoeconomics is proven, and the vectors of geoeconomic de-sovereignization of some countries in the context of economic globalization, geosecurity expansion, and the growing role of services in the GDP structure. The importance of studying the role of artificial intelligence, android robots and humanoids in GDP formation was separately emphasized; options of their influence on the world’s geoeconomics and the development of humanity as a whole amidst neo-economics are modeled.
How to Cite
geoeconomics, geostrategy of modern Ukrainian State, neoliberal globalization, geoeconomic security, neoclassical economics, economic ideology, economic transformations, strategic autonomy, geoeconomic development, post-neoliberal
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