

Published: Mar 31, 2023

  Tetiana Stroiko

  Victoriіa Voloshyna-Sidei

  Yevhenii Druz


The purpose of the article is to study business ecosystems from the point of view of their influence on the development of the field of IT technologies. Modern globalization processes shift the attention of scientists from the traditional fields of production to the field of information and communication services. For existing business models in the IT industry, the main issues are adapting to the new workforce and justifying which projects are better from a marketing point of view and which are better from the point of view of optimizing potential and achieving return on investment. The strategic importance of partnerships, networks, alliances and collaborations is growing, opening up new opportunities for attracting assets, mobilizing knowledge and experience, simplifying and accelerating innovation development processes. Methodology. Modern research methods were used to study business ecosystems in terms of their impact on the development of IT technologies: historical, dialectical method of cognition; system analysis, abstract-logical, graphical, statistical. The subject of research are the processes of development of the field of IT technologies through the prism of formation of modern business ecosystems. The theoretical basis of this research is the basic provisions of economic theory, national economy, state and regional administration, infrastructure theory. Results. Business ecosystems, which are the basis for the development of the IT sphere, have two general characteristics that distinguish them from other management models. Modularity, in which the components of the offer are developed independently, but function as a single whole. Customization, in which, unlike the open market model, the participants of the ecosystem usually adapt to it and strive for mutual compatibility. Investors see prospects and development potential in Ukrainian IT companies and therefore invest in IT, e-commerce, fintech, other innovative and export-oriented industries. Practical implications. The main technological trends in the development of the IT industry include: the development of cloud services; the need for various design solutions for cybersecurity; the growing need for remote work solutions; the development of intelligent solutions in the field of security and defense. The main market trends include the focus of IT platforms and technical solutions on solving specific business problems; the growing importance and share of services in the product portfolio of companies; and the high adaptability of Ukrainian IT industry players to changes and challenges in the external environment.

How to Cite

Stroiko, T., Voloshyna-Sidei, V., & Druz, Y. (2023). FORMATION OF BUSINESS ECOSYSTEMS AS A BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IT INDUSTRY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 177-183.
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IT technology industry, technological trends, development of IT technologies, innovative industries, business and startup ecosystems


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