

Published: Mar 31, 2023

  Dmytro Shvets

  Ielyzaveta Lvova

  Yevhen Kobko


The interest in the European Union work permit quotas arises largely as a result of globalization and digitalization, while the European Union member states produce more labor services than materials, followed by deviations in labor policies. The main aim of the article is to analyze the work permit policies implemented by the EU and its member states to manage the legal employment of migrant workers, focusing on the existing programs during the last two years. The subject of the study is the outcome of work permit legislation and quotas for third country economic relations with the European Union. The methodology of the research includes the method of descriptive and explanatory study of legal issues of EU work permit quotas, followed by statistical analysis with legal review of the data on the subject. The study is based on the analysis of documents (founding acts, directives, regulations, decrees, etc.) of the EU countries and is focused on the research of the scope of their domestic decisions. As a result, the paper raises and analyzes many important issues of the European Union's work permit quota regulations in times of socio-economic imbalance. The first section of the paper provides an analysis of the legal background of labor migration policy at the EU level. The second section deals with the political and legal work permit measures (quotas) defined by the member states to secure their national economy. The second section is dedicated to the statistical survey of the EU work permit policy in the context of the employment of migrant workers of Ukrainian origin. The hypothesis of the paper is that labor migration is a social phenomenon with a long historical background, while the work permit quota is an annual governmental mechanism established in relevant normative acts of the states. Practical implications are as follows: the conclusions and methodological approaches to legal work permit model, obtained as a result of the study, is considered a tool for national security management of multiplicative risk factors, and is applicable to condense misleading in labor policies of EU member states and in third countries. The value/originality of the paper is revealed by the use of behavioral and economic analysis (in the context of humanitarian crisis in Ukraine). The paper modifies the current situation on execution of regulatory acts within the framework of EU work permit quotas as currently improving measures.

How to Cite

Shvets, D., Lvova, I., & Kobko, Y. (2023). LEGAL ISSUES AND ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION OF EU WORK PERMIT QUOTAS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(1), 189-199.
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European Union, freedom of movement, labour migration policy, measures, national security, temporarily protection, work permit quotas


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