The war in Ukraine has created an unprecedented global humanitarian crisis, with the highest number of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the world, civil infrastructure in ruins, uncontrolled food and water supplies in deserted regions, etc. The war has also led to a radical change in national security governance in Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to analyse current legal and economic issues of national security governance in Ukraine at war. The subject of the study is the importance of national security governance in defining national values and interests and in assessing damage in Ukraine. The methodology of the research includes the method of descriptive and explanatory study of legal issues of national security governance in Ukraine. The study is based on an analysis of legal documents and academic articles. For the purposes of the paper, the analysis of the literature on the subject and the method of document research were used. Originally, the regulations regulating the legal issues of national security governance in Ukraine were included in the Law of Ukraine "On National Security". The paper modifies the current situation regarding the normative provisions that should be updated. The hypothesis of the paper is that the concept of objective values is constantly evolving and that there is no unified approach to its definition. The practical implications are as follows: the number of refugees from Ukraine is still growing, so Ukraine should pursue its national interests in the receiving countries in order to protect universal values. As a result, during martial law Ukraine civil society set up objective values within its national interests, locking up counter-terrorism and human trafficking. The value/originality of the paper is that it expands the knowledge about the interconnection of objective values and national interests of the state with a special focus on Ukraine at war.
How to Cite
armed conflict, damage assessment, cultural heritage, national interests, national security governance, national security policy, objective values, war
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