The subject of the study is the conceptual, theoretical and methodological foundations of the use of digital tools in law enforcement on the example of individual institutions (National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine). Methodology. General scientific methods were used in the research process. The comparison method was used to summarize the approaches of different researchers regarding the main dominants of the implementation of the idea of electronic registers and their interaction by default. The analysis was used to determine the quantitative and qualitative parameters that characterize the specifics of the activities of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the digital era. Induction and deduction were used to determine the approaches to the main dominant legal forms of activity of the central bodies of state executive power. The results of the study showed that the introduction and application of digital skills in the activities of public authorities creates conditions for the effective performance of their powers, as well as contributes to the public interest in general. Conclusion. It is concluded that the significance of interest for the development of human civilization is manifested in the fact that: a) interest, along with needs and values, motivating the social subject (individual, group, historical community, class, nation, society), is the driving force of the historical process (immanent – dynamic property of interest); b) the realization of interest is impossible without its awareness, which occurs in the process of constant comparison of the life situation of individuals, social groups, historical communities among themselves (intellectual and practical property of interest). It is established that the public interest in the activities of the anti-corruption body is expressed in ensuring the prevention and counteraction to corruption, which is specified through the main powers. It is noted that a potential conflict of interest will differ from the real one in the case when a private interest existing in the sphere of official activity contradicts official or representative powers and this actually affects, but cannot affect the performance of official duties, attention is focused on the actions to be taken by the subject who has a conflict of interest.
How to Cite
interest, human habit, people-centeredness, public interest, prevention of conflict of interests
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