The study of the features of the formation and implementation of the state economic policy is aimed at the analysis of the current state of the organization, the stage and perspective of development, the normative support of the national economic policy, and the identification of the advantages and disadvantages of the specified policy. The relevance of the study of the state economic policy lies in the fact that in the conditions of globalization and European integration it is necessary to activate theoretical and practical research in order to solve the most important and priority problems of the country. The subject of the study is the state economic policy of Ukraine from the point of view of its transformation with the current challenges of economic interests of the society. This understanding of the problem has led to the formulation of the research objective: theoretical substantiation of the content, principles, model and regulation of economic policy, taking into account the transitivity of the national economic system. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition and systematic approach to the study of the problems of state economic policy and its transitivity; scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists based on the application of the abstract-logical method, systematic approach, critical legal approach, etc. It is established that the state economic policy is a component of the general political process, an integral system of measures of the state influence on the economy, the effectiveness of which is manifested in the interconnection of its elements. The transitory nature of the state economic policy, based on the ability of the national economy to expand self-reproduction to meet the needs of the population and the state, and on the other hand, the ability to withstand the destabilizing factors caused by Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, allows to talk about the formation of a new vector of development of the state economic policy of Ukraine. The issues that should be taken into account by public authorities when developing and implementing the State economic policy under martial law are outlined. The need for further research on the institutional foundations of the theoretical approach to justifying the definition of the state economic policy and highlighting the main positions of its constructive formation is substantiated. Results. The essence and separate components of the state economic policy are revealed, in particular, the principles of policy formation and the model of the national economy. The priority areas, which should be considered in the development of the state economic policy, were determined. Certain problems of implementation of the economic policy in the conditions of martial law were identified. The peculiarities of the normative consolidation of the state economic policy of Ukraine are pointed out. Recommendations on improvement of the development of the state economic policy are given.
How to Cite
state policy, economic policy of the state, models of economic policy, forecasting of economic policy, transitivity of economic policy
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