

Published: May 23, 2023

  Serhii Karpenko

  Oleh Holovko

  Mykhailo Vikhliaiev


The purpose of the article is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of state policy regarding public-private partnerships in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine and to develop relevant proposals for the current legislation. The methodological basis of the research is the comparative method, which allows to consider the most effective approaches to the analysis of state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine, as well as system-structural, structural-functional methods, the method of moving from the abstract to the concrete. The results of the research are the formulation of the definition of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry, under which it is proposed to understand the activities of public administration subjects, which is a set of formed and legally established goals, tasks, functions and interests, which are directed by these subjects at solving the tasks of development of public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of innovative economy of Ukraine, and their practical activities for the implementation and achievement of the specified goal. The practical implications of the study are that the means of state policy regarding public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine are an important tool for the implementation of state policy. The value of the research lies in the fact that the state policy on public-private partnership in the space industry in the structure of the innovative economy of Ukraine performs the role of a means by which in a state-ordered society, in the form of developed state activity, goals determined objectively by public needs and national interests should be correlated to ensure the sustainable development of public-private partnership in the space industry and its available material and intellectual opportunities, subjective desires and goals of the dominant social forces with real historical conditions, which determine the main directions and tasks of state activity to ensure the achievement of these goals.

How to Cite

Karpenko, S., Holovko, O., & Vikhliaiev, M. (2023). STATE POLICY ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN THE SPACE INDUSTRY IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE INNOVATIVE ECONOMY OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(2), 137-145.
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state policy, public-private partnership, innovative economy, space industry, space activity


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