

Published: Nov 17, 2023

  Viktoriia Kovpak

  Nataliia Lebid

  Hennadii Vasylchuk


In the conditions of war, economic, social, cultural and artistic institutions should promote the Ukrainian strategic narrative through the so-called "soft power", project activities, economic proposals, as this means strengthening the national identification of civil society, which is so important in the context of national liberation struggle. In fact, the demand for the experience economy can activate the cognitive factor that produces patriotic, socially significant values, feelings and emotions. Therefore, the subject of the study is the effective communication proposals of the impression economy in the context of civil society development. The purpose of the research is to analyse a package of economic proposals and strategies for achieving the progress of economic value, i.e., the implementation of the concept of experience economy, which in the context of war becomes a means of effective communication in the context of the request of responsible business of civil society to actualise the value of national economic identification. The research methodology is based on a combination of systemic and value-based approaches, discourse analysis, which help to reveal the drama and strategies of Ukrainian experience economy cases, their correlation with the specifics of civil society's demands at the national level and the identification of proposals in the context of war; synchronous method (focusing on the conditions of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine) and the use of the monitoring software Similarweb, which allowed to track the recognition of certain projects among customers and the phases of "dramatic development" of the economic offer. The article highlights that, according to J. B. Pine II and J. G. Gilmore, impression is the fourth economic proposition, a new economic value that cannot be compared to a service, because it is achieved through the organisation's cognitive space, through the customer's interest in emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions, "effective management of impressions", where efficiency is achieved by "hitting" the intersection of four spheres of impressions – cognitive, aesthetic, entertaining and escapist. According to J. B. Pine II and J. G. Gilmore, the leading role in generating the progression of the economic value of business is played by the understanding of business as theatre (dynamic or stable), unfolding through drama (=strategy), script (=processes), theatre (=work techniques), performance (=proposal), which always has a context (within the limits of intelligence – national identification, patriotic), value markers (support for civil society in war conditions) and a field of interpretation. Thus, the conclusion of the research is the thesis about the evolution from the experience economy to the transformation economy, when the transformation of a customer or company is the ultimate economic offer of the initiator: in the case of the Silpo chain, thanks to the effective communication channels involved, there is such a concept of offer as change, which is a transformation that leads to the so-called "economic pyramid". The educational project "Instoryky" is about prominent historical figures, cases of psychological support for clients through the hotline, engaging clients in the practice of donation through hashtag activism and offers to support animals in wartime in exchange for "psychological support from animals" on the hotline, and educational activities for war veterans. The involvement of food entrepreneurs and their subsequent support through the special project "Lavka tradytsii" is also a good example of effective communication channels.

How to Cite

Kovpak, V., Lebid, N., & Vasylchuk, H. (2023). THE POTENTIAL OF THE EXPERIENCE ECONOMY IN DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS IN CIVIL SOCIETY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(4), 119-127.
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impression economy, transformation economy, effective communications, Ukrainian strategic narrative, growth of economic value, wartime


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