

Published: Nov 17, 2023

  Alla Sotska

  Andrii Omelchenko

  Volodymyr Yemelianov


The purpose of the article is to study the nature of various economic methods of public administration of social protection of persons with persistent health disorders. For this purpose, by means of the dialectical method, methods of analysis, documentary analysis, systematisation, explanation, comparison, induction and specification, legislative and theoretical-practical aspects of the relevant economic methods of public administration of the researched area were studied. As a result, the conceptual apparatus of the problem declared in the article was analysed, namely the existing definitions of the categories "disabled person", "social protection of persons with persistent health disorders", "public administration method" and "economic management methods". The authors' understanding of the concepts of "public administration of social protection of persons with persistent health disorders" and "economic methods of public administration of social protection of persons with persistent health disorders" is presented. Categories of persons who, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, are equated in social protection matters with persons with persistent health disorders, in particular: disabled persons; combatants; victims; the elderly; children with musculoskeletal disorders. Types of economic methods identified in the scientific literature (long-, medium- and short-term planning, licensing, quotas, commercial calculation, taxation, credit, budget system, economic regulators, incentives, setting minimum levels of social standards and benefits, pricing, responsibility). Given the specifics of the listed economic methods, it is proposed to classify them into five types according to the purpose of application. The study identified various economic methods of public administration in the researched area. These methods involve planning expenditures in state and local budgets focused on social protection for disabled individuals and financing for the same. The development, approval and implementation of social protection programs for disabled individuals and the elderly also fall under the purview of these methods. Additionally, financial aid is provided to support public movements in the field of social and legal protection for disabled individuals. Establishing minimum social standards, setting maximum prices for goods, works, and services, determining employment standards for disabled individuals, implementing measures to promote their employment, enforcing responsibility for non-compliance with legislation related to social protection of disabled persons, licensing specific types of economic activity, and implementing taxation regulations. Each of the economic methods is analysed in a distinct section of the article, with reference to the legislative norms that regulate their implementation, coupled with empirical evidence. The article's value lies in its intricate portrayal of the authors' perspective on the economic techniques employed, public administration methods for ensuring social protection of individuals with chronic health disorders, and their efficacy in safeguarding the rights of the socially vulnerable population.

How to Cite

Sotska, A., Omelchenko, A., & Yemelianov, V. (2023). ECONOMIC METHODS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF SOCIAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS WITH PERSISTENT HEALTH DISORDERS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(4), 213-222.
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economic method, public administration, persistent health disorder, disabled person, planning, taxation, control, quotas, responsibility


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