The aim of this article is to establish the theoretical and methodological basis for the operation of Ukraine's healthcare system through the definition of its objectives and functions, examination of its primary structural elements and performance indicators between 2010-2019, and identification of the key classification features that categorise the present healthcare system as belonging to a specific model of medical systems. Methodology. The study is based on theoretical research on the concepts of healthcare system functioning. Results. The article defines the "healthcare system" as a hierarchical formation of state, municipal, and private organizations that interact as subjects and objects of management. These organizations implement medical, financial, organizational, socio-economic, and other measures to maintain optimal human performance and social activity by restoring physiological and psychological functions. The main objectives of the healthcare system are highlighted. It is determined that the functions of the healthcare system are subordinated to its main goals and reflect its orderly, regular and organised behaviour in interaction with the external environment. It is emphasised that the functions of the healthcare system are an integrated result of the functioning of its constituent elements. Practical implications. The analysis and characterisation of the key performance indicators of the healthcare system for the period 2010-2019 showed that the existing infrastructure of the sector is still rather cumbersome, characterised by the dominance of specialised and inpatient medical care and irrational use of the potential of outpatient facilities. In terms of key criteria, such as ownership, financing methods, the role of the state in managing the sector, and incentives for healthcare professionals and consumers, the national healthcare system still has signs of the Semashko model, which does not meet modern requirements for the use of expensive medical technologies and is unable to provide high quality healthcare services. Value/originality. It is established that the primary means to reform the national healthcare system is through the formation of hospital trusts, which will guarantee improved medical services and significantly decrease the expense of maintaining medical infrastructure in Ukraine. Additionally, it is acknowledged that the key technology for forging a successful network of medical facilities should be strategical planning at all levels of the country's healthcare system.
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national healthcare system, Semashko model, medical infrastructure, clinical district, medical care accessibility
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