

Published: Feb 9, 2018

  Eleonora Kirieieva

  Daruna Kostyuchenko


Reformation of the economy of Ukraine today determines the necessity of development of the agrarian sector as a cornerstone of economic growth. Transformational processes contribute to the increase in gross output of agricultural production, export capacity building of the branch but, unfortunately, it has little effect on the socioeconomic development of rural areas and raising the level of well-being of the rural population. Underdevelopment of social infrastructure of rural areas especially significantly affects the quality of life in rural areas. Most of the Ukrainian villages are lacking preschool institutions, schools, medical outpatient clinics, emergency medical services, and other centres of social infrastructure. Living conditions in rural areas remain unfavourable. As a consequence, a need arises to search for a complex approach to the solution of problems of rural development, which is based on principles of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to study the state of rural areas in Ukraine and Vinnytsia region based on the use of SWOT-analysis and to determine perspective tools for the further promotion of rural development. Methodology. When writing the article, the authors used a monographic method with the purpose of revealing cause-and-effect relations; an economic-statistical method for the analysis of a number of population; a graphical method for building schemes and diagrams; conclusions and recommendations are formulated by using abstract-logical method; methods of analysis and synthesis are used for conducting SWOTanalysis. Results. As a result of conducted research, approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to the definition of “rural areas” are studied and, on its basis, the authors present the main signs peculiar to rural areas and propose the author’s definition for a category of “rural areas.” Research of the modern state of rural areas on the basis of using SWOT-analysis is done. Evaluation of the biggest problems of development of rural development in Ukraine is made. It is determined that Vinnytsia region is one of the agrarian-oriented regions and thus rural development in this region becomes of paramount importance. The article analyses dynamics of the number of rural population of Vinnytsia region, investigates a relative share of rural population in the general structure of the population of regions of Vinnytsia region, conducts an assessment of the ratio of income and expenditure of the rural population of Vinnytsia region. Based on the research done, conclusions and proposals are formulated, which are a set of measures for providing rural development, the main of which are: stimulating counselling to raise the level of knowledge and practical skills of peasants based on active teaching methods, as a tool of state support for the agricultural producer and rural population, contribution to the development of cooperation and creation of cluster associations able to provide for a higher added value of agricultural production, “green tourism” development. Practical importance. Research results allowed determining a set of measures to further improve rural development and ensuring a higher level of well-being of rural population who can be used in the development of state targetoriented programs and regional strategies of rural development.

How to Cite

Kirieieva, E., & Kostyuchenko, D. (2018). STATE AND PROSPECTS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(4), 120-127.
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rural areas, development, consumer expenditure, rural population, revenue structure.


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