In the context of a post-industrial economy and global socio-economic challenges, the crowd economy plays a crucial role in shaping new approaches to social welfare. The relevance of this topic lies in the need to understand how digital technologies and collaborative initiatives can contribute to a fairer distribution of resources and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged groups. The subject of the study is the crowd economy and its various forms, including crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, collaborative consumption, open innovation, etc., with a focus on their impact on social welfare and living standards in society. The aim is to analyse the mechanisms and forms of the crowd economy and to assess its impact on social welfare, taking into account the opportunities and challenges it presents to contemporary society. Methodology. The research takes an integrated approach, incorporating theories of political economy and social innovation. The methodological framework includes a review of academic literature and case studies to synthesise researchers' findings on different forms of crowd economy. The types of crowd economy studied include popular forms such as crowdfunding, crowdinvesting, crowdsourcing, crowdstaffing, resource sharing, open innovation and decentralised production, among others. Main reasons. Empirical evidence confirms that the crowd economy offers new opportunities to improve the effectiveness of social initiatives, ensure the availability and rational use of resources, stimulate citizen participation and volunteering, and improve living conditions. However, it also poses regulatory challenges and raises concerns about participants' rights, unequal access to digital platforms and limited resources. A balanced approach is therefore essential to integrate crowd economy practices into the broader context of socio-economic development. Conclusion. The crowd economy is driving contemporary economic development and offers an alternative way to address economic and social inequality. However, it is crucial to take pragmatic steps to create national policies and legislative programmes that encourage and protect its participants. By highlighting the potential of the crowd sector to improve social welfare, particularly in countries with unstable economies, the study underscores the importance of a holistic approach that includes robust legal regulation and public awareness.
How to Cite
сrowd economy, social protection, social integration, crowdfunding, crowdinvestment, social inequality, decentralised production networks
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