

Published: Dec 28, 2023

  Оlha Flyarkovska

  Viktoria Melnychuk

  Ryslan Dumenko


The subject of the research is the main problems related to the economic consequences of the war, which can affect Ukrainian education in the war and post-war period. Methodology. Theoretical and empirical research methods are used, in particular: theoretical analysis and generalisation of psychological practice; development of theoretical approaches and organisational and methodological conditions for improvement of practical activity of specialists of psychological services; surveys; study of methodical and reporting documentation; methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The purpose of the article is to determine the factors that can affect the quality of education and economy through aspects of the activity and peculiarities of the functioning of the psychological service in the educational system of Ukraine in the conditions of armed aggression of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the consideration of psychological factors is necessary to substantiate the activity of a psychological service specialist in the educational system of Ukraine, in connection with the complication of working conditions, competent management of the team, support and assistance in the realisation of the creative potential of employees of educational institutions, etc. The issue of creating psychological support for participants in the educational process was raised. It was noted that the provision of psychological support, development and implementation of correctional programmes will help to overcome stress and injuries, contribute to the return of pupils and students to full-time studies and ensure their further successful adaptation. The article presents the experience of pedagogical and methodological provision of psychological support at the all-Ukrainian level at the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Content Modernization". It gives recommendations on how to overcome the negative economic consequences of the war and the negative psychological impact on Ukrainian education. The publication describes the aspects of the psychological service in the educational system of Ukraine, in particular, conducting scientific research on the problems of methodology and theory of practical psychology of education, studying the patterns of mental development and formation of the child's personality; development of methods and technologies for the work of practical psychologists and social pedagogues, including professional training and advanced training of specialists; creation of an effective structure of the psychological service of education, which ensures the interaction of all parts of the service on subject and organisational issues. The results of the study reflect the state and development of the psychological service in the education system of Ukraine, the analysis of the activities of the psychological service under martial law and the implementation of Article 76 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education". Conclusion. Creation of conditions for quality education and support of psychological well-being of all participants of the educational process is a priority task of the psychological service in the educational system of Ukraine. According to the results of the analysis of the work of the psychological service in the educational system of Ukraine, it was determined that the psychological support of learning, psychological and socio-pedagogical support of the participants of the educational process in the conditions of martial law is an essential condition for maintaining and strengthening the mental health of future Ukrainian generations. This will contribute not only to the post-war reconstruction of society, but also to the future economic development and stability of Ukraine.

How to Cite

FlyarkovskaО., Melnychuk, V., & Dumenko, R. (2023). A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO THE MANAGEMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM OF UKRAINE: ECONOMIC COMPONENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 9(5), 261-265. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2023-9-5-261-265
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psychological service, economic consequences of war, professional activity algorithm, unified electronic reporting system, budget programs, recommendations


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