

Published: Sep 20, 2024

  Оlha Flyarkovska

  Viktoria Melnychuk

  Ryslan Dumenko


The article examines the issue of improving psychological services in the educational system of Ukraine. The psychological service is defined as a necessary component of the educational system which ensures the development of the personal, intellectual and professional potential of the society. The basic principles of the work of the psychological service of the educational system of Ukraine are considered. According to the results of the analysis of this work, attention is drawn to the fact that specialists of the psychological service should pay more attention to practical work with students during their working hours, and not to filling in documentation. Methodology. The study used theoretical and empirical research methods, in particular, theoretical analysis and generalisation of psychological practice; design of theoretical approaches and organisational and methodological conditions for improving the practical activities of psychological service specialists; questionnaires; study of methodological and reporting documentation; methods of statistical processing of experimental data. The purpose of the article is to analyse the effectiveness of the introduction of a unified electronic reporting system for psychological service specialists in the Ukrainian education system. Results. The paper presents the findings of a survey of psychological service specialists on the aforementioned issues. Furthermore, the publication provides evidence to support the necessity of implementing a unified electronic reporting system for the activities of psychological service specialists. The article examines the principal methods of methodological assistance for psychological service personnel, which facilitate the development of professional competencies, the exchange of experience, the theoretical and practical training of practical psychologists and social educators. The work highlights the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in ensuring the effective operation of the psychological service within the Ukrainian education system. Conclusion. The authors put forth a series of recommendations aimed at enhancing the system of psychological services through the implementation of a unified electronic reporting system. This system is distinguished by its multifunctionality. The efficacy of a unified electronic database for psychological service professionals has been demonstrated to enhance and expedite the process of data aggregation and analysis, thereby ensuring the prompt availability of diverse information for the purpose of effective managerial operations and the formulation of superior strategic decisions pertaining to human capital.

How to Cite

FlyarkovskaО., Melnychuk, V., & Dumenko, R. (2024). INNOVATIVE TOOLS IN THE ACTIVITIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE SPECIALISTS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(3), 353-357.
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unified system of electronic reporting, purpose of activity, practical psychologists, principles, psychological service, psychological support, social pedagogues, structure, economic consequences


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