

Published: Apr 5, 2024

  Serhii Vitvickii

  Sergii Vasyliev

  Iryna Ozerna


The activities of the modern state are carried out taking into account the trends inherent in the global community. One of the driving forces behind these trends is the strengthening of economic integration due to the increasing role of finance in the world economy, the effects of globalisation, liberalisation, concentration and centralisation of financial capital, which have shaped the new shape of the modern economic system. The integration of the world economy requires the integration of law in accordance with generally recognised norms and principles at the international level. The international character of law is an external circumstance that determines the facts of legal regulation of the convergence of states and peoples, their economies, cultures and ideologies. Convergence leads to the convergence of different legal systems and economic models. These circumstances indicate the existence of a global phenomenon that can be described as the process of economic and legal convergence. The subject of the study is the patterns of convergence in the field of economics and law. The authors aim to study the genesis of the convergence theory, identify the main trends and prospects for the development of convergence in the current environment, and explain the patterns of convergence in the field of economics and law in the context of globalisation. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of economic and legal convergence, the theory of state regulation of the economy, the theory of socio-economic systems and economic growth developed in the works of domestic and foreign economists, lawyers and philosophers. The study of basic economic and legal institutions is carried out on the basis of the dialectical method, general scientific methods of abstraction, analysis, synthesis and systematic approach. The research of certain issues was carried out using special methods: historical, comparative, interpretation of law, logical and legal, as well as methods of specific economic research, etc. The authors analyse certain issues of economic and legal convergence in terms of their historical formation, relevance, efficiency and prospects for application. Results. Convergence in the field of economics and law is a process of interaction of relevant elements both within national systems and economic and legal systems of different states, characterised by convergence, an increase in the number of links between the elements of converging objects and a certain degree of consistency of the impact of these elements on social relations. On the basis of the study, the authors believe that the use of convergence processes in the field of economics and law at the global level should be carried out only in a harmonious manner, creating common balanced results based on a unifying model of coherent cooperation of the subjects of these processes.

How to Cite

Vitvickii, S., Vasyliev, S., & Ozerna, I. (2024). CONVERGENCE IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS AND LAW: CORRELATION OF PROCESSES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(1), 30-38.
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globalisation, convergence theory, legal convergence, economic convergence, absolute convergence, conditional convergence, neoconvergence, emergence, divergence


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