

Published: Apr 5, 2024

  Karina Nemashkalo

  Liudmyla Zemliana

  Serhii Vashechko


The subject of the study is the development of personnel management of agricultural enterprises in the context of digitalisation. Methodology. The study uses general scientific methods, in particular, theoretical generalisation, methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, as well as graphical methods to visualise the results of the study. The aim is to study the main trends in the development of personnel management of agricultural enterprises in the context of digitalisation. Results. The main trends in the digitalisation of HR management in agricultural enterprises indicate the widespread use of modern digital technologies to optimise and improve the efficiency of HR management in agriculture. One of the key trends is the use of digital tools in recruitment and selection, including websites and online platforms for job search, social media for attracting candidates, automated candidate management systems and analytical tools for assessing candidates. Digitalisation allows agricultural enterprises to respond more efficiently and quickly to staffing needs, attract and retain talented employees, and increase the overall productivity and competitiveness of the industry. Such technological changes are becoming a key element of agricultural business development in the current environment and play a significant role in ensuring its success and sustainability in the future. The main trends in the digitalisation of HR management in agricultural enterprises include several key aspects aimed at using modern digital technologies to optimise HR management and increase efficiency. First, digital tools such as online platforms, websites and social media are used in recruitment and selection to attract and select candidates for vacant positions. The second trend is the automation of administrative HR processes. Digital systems can automate time tracking, payroll, leave calculation and other aspects of HR management, freeing up managers' time for more strategic tasks. The third trend is the development of online learning and electronic platforms for staff development. The use of digital tools for training and development of employees allows them to improve their skills and adapt them to changes in the industry. The fourth trend is the use of analytics to make management decisions. HR data analysis allows managers to obtain objective information about the productivity and needs of their staff, which helps them make informed management decisions. In addition, the development of flexible working arrangements and remote work is another important trend. Digital technologies provide the ability to work from anywhere, which helps to attract and retain talent regardless of where they live.

How to Cite

Nemashkalo, K., Zemliana, L., & Vashechko, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALISATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(1), 194-200.
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human resources management, personnel management, agricultural enterprises, digitalisation, digitisation


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