The purpose of the article is to study and clarify the substantive characteristics of organisational culture, to substantiate its relationship with the organisational design of enterprise. To determine the key factors of mutual influence on the formation of organisational culture and building of organisational design of a telecommunications enterprise. To assess the state of organisational culture of telecommunication enterprises and provide recommendations for its support, taking into account the functional features of its management. An analysis of the dynamics of the volume of products (services) sold by economic entities of Ukraine by type of economic activity for the period (2015, 2020, 2021, 2022) is carried out. Methodology. Economic and abstract and logical research methods were used in combination with methods of collecting sociological information: surveys and questionnaires. They made it possible to study the dynamics of development of enterprises by types of economic activity and assess the state of corporate culture of telecommunications enterprises. Results. According to the results of the analysis of statistical data, the decrease in the volume of products (services) sold by Ukrainian enterprises in the analysed period was revealed, regardless of the type of economic activity. The reasons for the deterioration of their activity have been clarified and the factors of mutual influence on the formation of the organisational culture and the construction of the organisational design of the telecommunications enterprise have been described. The state of the organisational culture of the telecommunications enterprises was assessed according to the relevant criteria within the framework of the questions. It was proved that organisational culture is an effective management tool. Practical implications. The study of the state of organisational culture of telecommunications enterprises in Ukraine proves the need to model the strategy of formation and development of organisational culture, taking into account internal opportunities and external threats that can accelerate or inhibit this development. The results of the assessment will help to make effective management decisions to improve the working environment and employee satisfaction. Value / Оriginality. It is recommended to take into account the functions of internal integration and external adaptation in the process of managing the organisational culture of a telecommunications enterprise. This is necessary to improve the working conditions of the company's employees and to establish effective interaction between the levels of management and employees.
How to Cite
organisational culture, management tool, organisational design, factors of mutual influence, evaluation, telecommunications enterprise
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