Over the past few decades, the use of e-commerce in business has increased significantly. More and more companies that used to focus exclusively on offline operations are beginning to consider e-commerce as a promising area of strategic development. As a result, studying the state of the e-commerce market in Ukraine, as well as trends and barriers to its development, will allow to develop an understanding of the peculiarities of the functioning and growth of business entities in the context of the Ukrainian online environment. In this regard, it is worth paying special attention to the study of the specifics of the development of the e-commerce market as a strategic recovery of the Ukrainian economy. The subject of the study is the process of development of the Ukrainian e-commerce market in the conditions of war. The purpose is to research and analyse the state of the e-commerce market in Ukraine in the context of growing instability caused by the war, as well as to identify key issues and trends in the development of the e-commerce system in an unstable and changing environment. The questions of this study require the use of a combination of general scientific and modern research methods, among which the most important are the method of system analysis (when studying the approaches and points of view of Ukrainian and Western scientists), economic and statistical analysis (to determine the trends in the development of e-commerce in Ukraine), analysis and synthesis (when studying the types and models of e-commerce), graphic analysis (to visualize a number of theoretical and practical provisions of the article). The article examines the state of the e-commerce market in Ukraine during the war. It finds that until 2022 there was a significant increase in the volume and growth rate of the e-commerce market. With the outbreak of the war, the market experienced a dramatic drop in volume, but from 2023 significant stabilisation processes took place. The importance of further development of the e-commerce market not only during the war, but also to overcome its consequences during the post-war recovery period is determined. Conclusions. Ukrainian e-commerce is experiencing high growth rates. The barriers to entering the online market are relatively low and the benefits of e-commerce for users and entrepreneurs are tangible. However, at the current stage, the Ukrainian e-commerce market has many unresolved issues that hinder its development. If the key issues are effectively addressed, the development of e-commerce in Ukraine will have a future.
How to Cite
e-commerce, e-commerce market, retail, digitalisation, digital technologies
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