

Published: Sep 20, 2024

  Liudmyla Golovko

  Viktor Ladychenko

  Olena Yara


It is evident that the implementation of effective climate change mitigation and environmental protection policies is contingent upon the rational management of hazardous waste. Empirical evidence suggests that the legal regulation of such waste at the national level is inadequate. Consequently, there is a pressing need for enhanced international cooperation and the establishment of robust international legal frameworks to address this issue. The purpose of the article is to analyse the existing international agreements governing hazardous waste management, identify their advantages and disadvantages, and propose changes necessary to improve the management of this type of waste. This included analysing statistical data on hazardous waste management. For a better understanding of the situation, an analysis of international court decisions was also carried out, which helped to identify the depth of the problems in this area. Methodology. General theoretical methods were mainly used in the study. Analysis and synthesis, systematic interpretation, and theoretical generalisation helped to summarise international approaches to hazardous waste management. Results. The article examines the content of international treaties in the field of hazardous waste management and the practice of their implementation. Practical implications. Based on the doctrinal provisions and the norms of current international law, the author identifies the main range of problems existing in the field of hazardous waste management and suggests possible ways of their solution. Value / Originality. It is determined that an important step in improving the effectiveness of international treaties in the field of hazardous waste management is to strengthen control over their implementation, since in practice there is a systematic violation of them.

How to Cite

Golovko, L., Ladychenko, V., & Yara, O. (2024). ECONOMIC AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ASPECTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT REGULATION. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(3), 119-125.
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international law, waste, international legal regulation of waste management, economic aspects of waste management


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