

Published: Dec 17, 2024

  Liudmyla Golovko

  Viktor Ladychenko

  Olena Yara


The establishment of international conventions in the domain of hazardous waste management is undoubtedly a valuable contribution, as it facilitates the formation of international standards in this field. The ratification of the Basel Convention by the majority of states is indicative of their interest in the unification of legislation in this area. However, in addition to the adoption of international conventions, their effective implementation is also a crucial aspect. The objective of this article is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the current status of the Basel Convention implementation in Ukraine, to identify the existing challenges, and to propose potential solutions. The statistical data on the management of hazardous waste were subjected to analysis. To gain a deeper insight into the situation, an analysis was conducted on the movement of hazardous waste between Ukraine and Slovakia. This revealed the extent of the issues that require attention in this area. Methodology. General theoretical methods were mainly used in writing the article. Analysis and synthesis, theoretical generalisation and systematic interpretation helped to assess the state of implementation of the Basel Convention in Ukraine. Results. The article considered both the content of the Basel Convention and the practice of its implementation in Ukraine. Practical implications. In light of doctrinal provisions and the norms of both international and national Ukrainian law, the authors have identified the principal range of issues pertaining to the implementation of the Basel Convention in Ukraine and have put forth potential solutions to these challenges. Value / Originality. It is determined that an important step to improve the implementation of the Basel Convention in Ukraine is to strengthen the cooperation of the responsible bodies in the field of hazardous waste management, to strengthen the responsibility of the institutions responsible for controlling the movement of hazardous waste, to improve the equipment for waste identification, to eliminate the monopolisation of the entities authorised to carry out activities involving hazardous waste.

How to Cite

Golovko, L., Ladychenko, V., & Yara, O. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BASEL CONVENTION IN UKRAINE: ECONOMIC AND INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ASPECTS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 153-158.
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international law, hazardous waste, Basel Convention, international legal regulation of waste management, economic aspects of waste management


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