The subject of the study is modern features of international economic human rights in the context of military aggression. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of induction and deduction, the dialectical-materialistic method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the historical method, which made it possible to objectively understand the content and essence of the studied issues. The aim of the purpose of the work is to identify the origin, give the necessary classification of international economic rights and demonstrate, using the example of Ukraine, the mechanisms of their guarantee and protection in the conditions of military aggression. The results of the study have shown that in modern conditions of military aggression, there is an effective mechanism for ensuring economic human rights, which in particular is provided by means of "hard" and "soft" international law. Conclusion. Economic rights are closely related not only to social rights, but also to human rights belonging to other categories, which, in particular, allows us to conclude that it is impossible to unambiguously assign existing rights to only one of the internationally recognized groups and makes it meaningless to classify human rights according to this criterion (sphere of life). Summing up the analysis of the role of acts of "soft" international law in regulating cooperation between States to prevent and overcome financial and economic crises during war and full-scale military aggression, which directly affect the economic rights of citizens, it should be noted that such acts, first of all, contribute to the formation of a uniform conceptual apparatus in the field under consideration, partially entrenched in legally binding documents. In addition, advisory acts, as the basis for regulating relations to prevent and overcome financial and economic crises caused by military aggression and affecting the economic rights of citizens, are presented to a greater extent at the universal level, where contractual agreement of the will is not always achievable due to the difference in the economic interests of States. Given the general recognition, time of existence and practical applicability of the provisions of certain advisory acts on maintaining financial and economic stability, it makes sense to raise the question of considering them as international customs, sources of international law that contribute to maintaining guarantees of economic human rights in conditions of military aggression.
How to Cite
international economic rights, military aggression, martial law, economic rights of citizens, economic activity, natural rights, socio-economic area, economic sphere of society, administrative protection, public protection, self-defense, constitutional appeals, activities of the Internal Affairs bodies, judicial control, international protection mechanisms
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