

Published: Dec 17, 2024

  Dmytro Baranenko

  Ihor Shumak

  Ganna Sarybaieva


Corruption can be understood as a social phenomenon that emerges from a complex interplay of political, social, and economic factors, particularly in countries undergoing the process of state formation. Notwithstanding the existence of long-standing democratic traditions and a considerable history of anti-corruption measures, this negative phenomenon persists in European Union Member States. In developed countries, the conditions for countering corruption are more favourable; nevertheless, it remains a significant problem. In Ukraine, which is undergoing a process of democratisation of its governmental structure, corruption represents a significant challenge. Radical reforms of the administrative, socio-economic and legal systems are contributing to the emergence of new corruption threats that require active counteraction. The effective fight against corruption is one of the key factors in the development of public administration, ensuring economic stability and public confidence in state institutions. The analysis of economic and legal aspects of combating corruption in administrative law is of particular importance for understanding the ways to overcome this phenomenon and build effective prevention mechanisms. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the legal and economic mechanisms that can be employed to combat corruption in the context of administrative law. The research methodology employs a range of methods, including policy analysis, empirical methods and comparative methods. This article examines the principles of combating corruption in administrative law, with a particular focus on the economic and legal aspects. Corruption represents a significant challenge to the stable development of society and the economy. In the context of globalisation and current management reforms, the issue of combating corruption is particularly salient. The principal administrative and legal instruments for combating corruption are examined, together with their impact on the country's economic development.

How to Cite

Baranenko, D., Shumak, I., & Sarybaieva, G. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF ANTI-CORRUPTION IN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: ECONOMIC AND LEGAL ASPECT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 62-70.
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anti-corruption, administrative law, economic and legal aspect, administrative offenses, anti-corruption legislation, public administration, financial control, conflict of interest, administrative liability, integrity


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