

Published: Dec 12, 2017

  Iryna Honcharenko

  Olena Berezina


The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the feasibility of expanding the scope of investment insurance in Ukraine, taking into account its advantages over other types of insurance services as well as the possibility of minimizing the possible disadvantages. Methodology. The list of the research methods of the subject under consideration includes the monographic method, analysis, techniques of the abstract-logical method, etc. Results. The urgency of the article is that the disclosure of the internal potential of the insurance market in Ukraine should take place with the introduction or activation of modern insurance products capable of meeting several financial needs at once, not only of their consumers but of the state as a whole. The development of voluntary life insurance plays an important investment role in the country’s economy, therefore, at the moment, the need to develop new financial products aimed at increasing voluntary insurance is urgent. The share of life insurance services in the insurance market of Ukraine in dynamic is analysed. The purpose and positive consequences of expanding the segment of investment insurance are substantiated. Investment insurance as a financial product has both advantages and disadvantages. The benefits include the transparent structure of the insurance product, the choice of investment strategy, the possibility of obtaining increased investment returns while preserving the benefits of the insurance contract, preferential taxation of investment income, the existence of a guaranteed amount of payment in the contract, etc.; to the drawbacks – the lack of the possibility of early termination of the contract with the receipt of all the insurance premiums paid, the absence of a guarantee fund, guaranteed income, long-term contracts, limited range of people who can be insured. To enhance the use of investment insurance in Ukraine and to minimize these shortcomings, the prospects for the development of the investment insurance market are identified. Investment insurance in Ukraine has a high potential for active use and transformation into a popular insurance product. It is necessary to carry out further adaptation of products unit-linked to the structure and specifics of the domestic insurance market. The growth of the volume of investment insurance and, as a consequence, the expansion of the life insurance market as a whole, could become one of the most important factors in the development of the insurance industry in Ukraine in the near future. Practical implications. The main idea of the article was to justify the expediency of providing and using the investment insurance service in Ukraine, subject to minimize the shortcomings of this type of insurance and taking into account the prospects for its further development in the domestic financial market. Value/originality. The conducted research allowed getting some results, such as promising directions for the development of this type of financial product in the domestic insurance market.

How to Cite

Honcharenko, I., & Berezina, O. (2017). CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INVESTMENT INSURANCE IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 3(5), 84-90.
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investment, insurance, investment insurance, life insurance, unit-linked insurance, insurance products, insurance services.


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